DCMA is known as Digital Millennium Contract. This law was passed in 1998 and its main aim is to save the content of the online website owners. There are lots of provisions of DCMA. The safe harbour and takedown notices of DCMA allow the users to send notices to those websites who are using your content. There are also anti-circumvention provisions of DCMA. Circumvention means that you are decrypting the encrypted work of the users without getting permission from them. According to these provisions, if a person breaks the digital lock, this will come into copyright. We can see that lots of people are copying the content from the other websites and they are uploading this content on their websites without giving credit to the original creator. Some essential ways to save your website content being copied are explained below by assignment help;

1) Feed Delay
After uploading the content on your website, your content will be scraped by a robot without adding any kind of attribution link and sending the indexing request to the search engines. When you send the request to the search engines to index your post, the search engines will consider that your post is duplicated. As a result, you will not be able to get a high ranking in the search results of the search engines. This kind of behaviour of the search engines will create embarrassment and the content creators are disheartened. Under such situation, Feed Delay is the best choice for the content creators. Feed Delay will delay the addition of your posts into the RSS. As a result, it will be easy for you to adjust the timing for the indexing of your web posts.
Tynt Insight is an essential plugin for the content creators to save your content from being copied. You just need to install this plugin into your WordPress website and allow it to send you notifications when the content or images of your website are being copied by the other websites. This plugin will work only when you set this plugin up by adding a snippet code on your website.
If you have installed your website on WordPress, you will be well-aware from the benefits of the Yoast plugin. This plugin is not only helpful to you in creating the best quality and SEO-friendly post but this plugin is also offering you an RSS menu. With the help of this RSS, it is possible for you to add content directly on the below and above of your post. On the other hand, if you want to get an attribution link to the RSS Feed, you can easily get a link. The benefit of this attribution link is that when a person steals the content of your website and it republishes it on his own website, it will provide a link to your post. With the help of this link, you can easily trace the person who is using your stolen content. Moreover, after seeing the attribution links in your website, the readers will also get an idea that you are the original creator of this post.
WP Content Copy Protection is also an essential plugin that is helpful to you to save your content from being copied. There are lots of features of this plugin. Some of them are that it will disable the right click on the mouse, it will disable the image drag and drop and it will also disable some commands of the keyboard.
As we know that there are lots of online plagiarism checkers are available which are helpful to you to check your text against any possible plagiarism problem. You just need to copy your content and paste into a plagiarism checker tool and it will tell you all the sources where your content is shared. After getting an idea about these sources, you can make some legal actions by following the DCMA guidelines.
Copyright Notice is also an essential website which is helpful for the content creators to save their content from being copied. The main benefit of this plugin is that it provides a diligently signed and time-stamped content certificate. This certificate will be placed at the end of each post of your website. The presence of this certificate at the end of each post will prove that this content is your own. This plugin is also providing lots of customizable options for users. The website owners can easily customize the colour of their websites according to their will. These customizable options will fit the copyright certificate in your website in such a way that it will look just like the part of your website.
Nowadays, we can see that thousands of websites are facing this problem that their valuable content is stolen by other websites. They are confused and unaware because they don’t know what to do. The website owners can easily solve this problem by following the above guidelines. If they find that a specific website is using your content without your permission, under such a situation, you can claim that this is your content by following the guidelines and requirements of DCMA.
DCMA (Digital Millennium Contract) is a law that was passed in 1998. Its main reason is to save the content of the websites. If a website owner finds that someone is using the content of his website without his permission, he can send notices to this website owner with the help of safe harbour and takedown notices of DCMA. There are different ways to save your website’s content from being copied. First of all, you can use Feed Delay. Feed Delay will allow the website owners to add the attribution links in their websites. Secondly, you can install the Tynt Insight plugin. This plugin will send you notifications when someone will use the content of your website. You can also use WP Content Copyright Protection to save your content from being copied. Its reason is that this website will enable some functions of the keyboard like right click and image drag and drop etc.